LifeLock – How Do You Protect Your Identity?


Credit Monitoring Is Not Proactive Identity Theft Protection

There were 12.6 million victims of identity fraud in the U.S. in 2012, were you one of them? If not, you are one of the lucky few. I personally have endured several cases of credit card and debit card fraud and those isolated cases were enough to stress me out for weeks on end. I monitor my credit reports regularly, but these incidents can escalateΒ so quickly that I feel like monitoringΒ my credit report is too reactive of a measure. Although I’m not entirely sure how my information was stolen in those cases, I narrowed it down to a couple of likely possibilities and protected myself from what I believe was the culprit. I consider myself a tech-savvy mom and have embraced a lot of today’s technology involving cashless payments and I use my credit cards rather freely online. But, with the recent data breaches at places like eBay and Target (2 of my top online shopping destinations), I am left wondering if I am leaving myself vulnerable to yet another identity theft, maybe even something on a larger scale?

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LifeLock Identity Theft Protection

Enter LifeLock, a company that provides comprehensive identity theft protection that will help safeguard your finances, credit and good name. LifeLock does the things you may not have the time to do, like check your credit report monthly, remove your name from marketing lists, stop your credit card companies from sharing your info with affiliates, opt out of pre-approved credit lists, and so much more. None of those tasks are fun, and all of them are time-consuming. Why not have an identity theft expert handle them for you? LifeLock members can have peace of mind knowing that all of the above tasks and more are being handled on their behalf. LifeLock even helps you cancel and replace credit cards if your wallet is lost or stolen. If you do become a victim of identity theft while using LifeLock’s services, they will even spend up to $1 million to hire experts to aid in your recovery. All of this starting at only $10/month. I’m offering my readers an exclusive 10% off Lifelock promotion code though!Β Visit the LifeLock SiteΒ use Promo Code “LifeLockSafety” to get 10% off of your own LifeLock membership, then breathe a sigh of relief!

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